Sat here waiting for the phone to start again. Just totted up today’s tally and its 14 telephone calls (19 yesterday and more emails that you could shake a stick at) All to get this poor chap from the Middle East to South Africa (see last post)
He was supposed to arrive on the hospital plane tonight but someone stepped on something vital during the transfer from hospital to plane and broke the ventilator! Can you imagine what that person must feel like?
So patient was transferred back to hospital and everything delayed for tomorrow. Then we are back in action again and a new plane has been chartered. But we do not know when it will get there or when it will arrive in South Africa.
It’s gonna be a long night waiting for flight plans arrival times. Then a load of running around, calling the airport, getting the ambulance to the airport, making sure the transfer goes according to plan, ensuring the intensive care team is ready at the hospital, getting to the hospital and making sure all of the various peoples ducks are in a row.
It’s a strange thing to be involved with. 20 or so people (more if you include plane techs, refuelers, ambulance drivers and such like) in six countries coordinating this matter for a man none of us know and who will never know about us.
The professionalism of the people involved working under pressure is incredible.
2 weeks ago
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