Well I for one am fairly damned proud of myself. After the commercial and social desert that was January and various crises that I described last week (see below), it seems February is shaping up fairly well.
The networking and marketing side of things has suffered a little but hey I’ll be hitting the phone today and pounding the pavements soon.
So this is what the case load looked like a few minutes ago?
15 page report sent of to the client for a fraud case giving back ground on a US fraudster. Maybe some more working coming on this one. Hope so it’s a great case and to get in on the litigation stage if it develops with be that most desirable of combinations, Interesting AND lucrative.
Found the Greeks in Australia for the British client based in Switzerland! Nice and quick. I love it when the easy ones come on a busy day. (Dave you are a star a scholar a gentleman and a good man to know)
Got the low down on the US lady who has a thing about not paying medical bills after her travels. High wage earner and a $500,000 dollar house on the market. (mortgage records seem to show the house is finance free! Very happy client)
Sent off a 5 page quote for a client interested in vetting potential customers where there is US tax implication that could get them in to trouble if they sell the wrong thing to the wrong people. Another one that could prove Interesting AND lucrative.
Small quick company report sent out to an Australian client giving the low down on who is who.
A colleague seemingly has a lead on the elusive Mr. R through a friend of his. Not a high earning job but one of those that gets to you.
I still have the case of Mr. H who has disappeared and needs papers served on him. Jeez we have a name and have at last managed to develop his Date of Birth so we seem to be getting there.
Got a research job that is awaiting information prior to me having to collate, analyze and report on.
Time to send off a few emails now then a coffee and read a source report before hitting the phone.
2 weeks ago
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