Dinner at a great restaurant cancelled twice (I aint popular), One business meeting cancelled (rescheduled to Tuesday night) A few mates stood up (they are just complaining quietly). Clients having to be rescheduled, some jobs being placed on the back burner and a backlog starting to develop.
Frustration is not the word! Everything is hold once again this time due to another medevac aircraft having to be tasked with his transfer (see the two previous posts). Local conditions, the patients condition, aircraft availability, air crew availability, route planning are all conspiring against getting this done.
My facilitation and logistics role in all this is not one I have been involved with before. The stress, hours, phone calls and emails are more than a challenge to handle but from that comes the intense satisfaction that they are being dealt with and we are getting there.
It’s is always a good thing to be tested in unfamiliar circumstances that are out of your comfort zone. To be tested in such a way and to achieve is a great feeling.
The aircraft and patient were supposed to have arrived last night or this afternoon. Now there is no hope of a take off until tomorrow. Every single bit of inconvenience trouble and frustration is however nothing compared to what the medevac patient is going through. So efforts continue.
On other matters well a convenient break in the above due to scheduling meant that I was able to tackle some of the developing back log and had one of those “Small World” experiences.
I have a few workers compensation cases on file (you know the type, person hurts back at work and is “crippled” with pain, signed off for a year on full pay only to be filmed weight lifting or playing rugby)
Well this one was legit. The man had the operation scars to prove it. We conducted the workers comp interview in a bar which is not as unusual as it seems. Not many claimants are comfortable doing such things at their home.
I have had one claimant on my books for a while and have simply not been able to locate him. It’s incredibly frustrating as I cannot bill for the work until I do.
Speaking with a few of the patron in the bar who do I quite literally bump in to? My other claimant! So an appointment is set up for next week with him.
Catching up on a couple of traces we seem to have a little progress on Mr W who has been missing for around 15years so we will be chasing up leads and seeing where it takes us.
As there have been prolonged periods of “hurry up and wait” pending emails faxes and phone calls (but sadly no aircraft) I have also been using the time to polish up on Piracy law. No not Somalis, peg legs, parrots and “ah aha me harties.” It’s for Trademark / Copyright infringement, counterfeiting, smuggling and grey market sales.
I have a few jobs coming on where a more specialised knowledge of the law covering piracy is becoming necessary. Jees legal research is something that challenges me. I am able to understand the subject but it’s like what a lot of people think of ironing. It HAS to be done but you don’t have to enjoy it. The work it’s self locating the counterfeits and identifying the supply chain, obtaining the evidence and reporting to the relevant authorities is great. The reading however sucks in a major way!
Time to grab a coffee, write some reports and wait for that phone to ring.
2 weeks ago
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