As you can see from the side banner on the right I am on Facebook. Now I use FB for two reasons. Primarily it’s a work thing (networking and discussions with colleagues) but it is also, as it was intended a social thing. I also kinda enjoy letting anyone who is interested know what I am up to and the chat function is kinda handy.
There have been some great connections from three continents and nine countries. Friends from school, the odd ex, colleagues that I have lost touch with and so on.
The roll of honor reads:
Brits and South Africans alike at least this way it’s a little easier to prevent me from disappearing as happens from time to time.
The Swissies PH, JM, PR, DC, Sarah et al, It’s a pleasure being back in touch.
Eloise, Il faut tourner sa langue sept fois dans sa bouche avant de parler.
My issue with Facebook is why in the name of all that is sacred do some people believe I might want to be friends with someone that shares no personal or professional history or connection with me?
I’m probably up to 20 or so of these random “friends” requests.
Don’t get me wrong, even if we have never met or corresponded, if you see the profile and find something that amuses interests or even angers you then get in touch.
2 weeks ago
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