Just re-read this and its probably better titled as “A rambling post about nothing in particular a Thank You”
One of the problems of running your own business is that there is no such thing as office hours. As most of my work has an international flavour to it time differences come in to play. Emails can come in at any time and some need an immediate response.
Hang on a damned moment here! Who is so important that they must be on call 24/7?
As was pointed out to me this afternoon sometime one has to switch off. The clients that email me know my cell phone number. Those who have gotten my email from the company website can see my cell phone number there also. I never have a problem with people calling me at whatever time is convenient to them.
So if its and emergency, and they do happen, clients can phone me. I need to take time out every so often.
How a person takes that time out varies. It could be a drink (not unknown for me) It could be a stroll (nahh too late for that in Jo’burg). Yoga really isn’t my thing and it’s a bit too late to go and abuse some poor friend’s hospitality.
Writing is my thing (that’s why I be here doing exactly that now). For some strange reason writing does it for me. Usually it’s in the small hours of the morning when the insomnia kicks in and almost never for public consumption.
The amount of stuff I have written that has never again seen the light of day is quite staggering. Diary entries, ideas for a book, general mind clearing, plans bit bobs and drivel. I had a look at the “Ramblings” folder on my laptop just now and its standing at 297 documents of more pages than I have the patience to count.
Bearing mind that I the only writing I do other than reports in my professional life and this blog is for my eyes alone I am not that used to an audience. Having figured out how to do the analysis for visitors to this page and the search terms used that have led to people seeing this I am more than a little surprised at the amount of traffic and people viewing it.
So thanks folks. Nice to know I am not talking to myself here!
2 weeks ago
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