So there we are Edward n’ I driving down the road without a care in the world over and above getting the job done quickly and returning back for a good full English breakfast. Unhealthy I know but then I smoke, drink and live in Jo’burg so bacon and eggs now and again is nothing compared to life’s daily dangers.
As you know, if you read the last entry I am in Namibia at the moment and am off to Joes Bar this afternoon for a relaxer and calm down in advance of this evenings happenings what ever they may be.
Anyway I digress, Ed n’ me driving nicely listening to some cool music and BANG!
You ever been in a position where you simply did not know where you were or what just happened?
A small little Japanese car had plowed in to us. Here’s the thing. We were in a quite sizeable Mercedes. You want to have seen the damage!
Well needless to say I was not best impressed. We were in the right and got T’boned by some duffus coming on to the main road. Good job he clipped the back end and not the middle.
He had a spectacular bump on his forehead and a nasty bash of the steering wheel but was otherwise ok.
Cops came (eventually) details exchanged and several arguments quelled in turn by me then Edward then me then Edward. If the other driver wanted to kill himself we would have been a lot happier if he had not chosen to use us as the tool for his suicide.
We all calmed down in the end partly due to the fact that the cops over here carry AK47s (The Chinese variety apparently but still adequate for calming irate car wreck victims)
That’s it really, nothing else to tell you but as there was no-one else to tell here, you get to know all about it.
2 weeks ago
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