Neighborhood screening is a service that many people regret not having made use of after moving in to a newly rented property or purchased property. That regret is compounded by the fact that having one completed is nothing in terms of cost compared to what you will be paying over the coming years.
When do most people view a property? Midweek or the weekend usually in daylight. When everyone is at work and life seems tranquil.
It is not just the problem of neighbours from hell. Security issues, local refuse collection, schooling, impending local planning of road expansions or liquor licenses and mass of other considerations all play a part in your happiness after moving in.
A typical neighborhood enquiry involves a physical presence in the area over several days at differing times Morning noon and night), interviewing local residents, visitors, shop keepers, tradesmen and police.
A typical report will include a detailed run down of all these points backed up with photographic support.
You could do it yourself but do you really have the time and resources to so?
Although the scope of such enquiries can on occasion be limitless, the sort of questions that are commonly asked include:
What reputation does the local municipal authority have for maintaining the local area?
How transient is the area, are neighbours / tenants moving in and out a little too regularly?
What happens late each Friday and Saturday night? Are the police regular visitors to your neighbours? What do the local shopkeepers think of the area?
What does the local press have to say? What articles have they published regarding the area (you would be surprised what a great resource the local free newspaper can be).
In areas with roving security what do residents think of the company responsible for this? What have locals got to say about break-ins and other security issues?
What about local schools? What do mums have say about their children’s experiences there and in the local area?
What is that bar or club around the corner like at closing time?
In summary a detailed independent report by an investigator that knows what to look for and takes consideration of your particular requirements or interests can save an awful lot of heart ache and hard earned cash.
2 weeks ago
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