Chatting online the other day some one asked how in our business it is possible to have a balanced life working and yet having a life. A few people agreed with me. What’s your thoughts?
Now THAT is one tough question.
I think the first thing to consider is that ours is one of those jobs that is a lifestyle. There are also many like me that consider our occupation not only to be a lifestyle but also a professional hobby.
This is great for us but not so hot for those in our lives that deserve our time more than our clients do.
As someone that started his first company just over one year ago I would say it is all but impossible to get a healthy balance in the early years. This is especially the case when like in my case you have left a very well paying job guaranteeing a monthly salary and very nice benefits.
Less going out, Less socializing, less nice restaurants, less glamorous holidays. All this means home is where the balance is needed.
My solution:
LISTEN to loved ones, partners, children, parents etc don't just hear them. They will keep you centered.
Have at least one day a week (a FULL 24 hours) dedicated to the above people, no sneaking in to the office or making a quick call.
Can’t afford that one day a week? Can you afford to be without these people or to miss out those special moments? School plays, promotions, birthdays, sitting in the sun doing and saying nothing with a loved one are all of the utmost importance. Far more so than missing out on even a couple of jobs.
If the bills are paid with you and your loved ones warm fed and watered then you have done your job. The most precious gift anyone can give is themselves and their time. Everything else is supplementary. Your loved ones give themselves to you. You owe it to them to return the gift. Extra jobs leading to extra money is a great thing but it is also no good being the richest guy in the graveyard.
No loved ones? Then read, walk, visit friends (never neglect friends you don’t have many) call your family and every day make three people that you do not know smile.
Don’t be afraid irresponsible on occasion. No you can’t afford to hire a boat for the day. A weekend in a spa is just about more than you can afford. Buying a motorbike might be a little over the top. A meal at the top restaurant in town is just pure indulgence. But all of these make life fun and a life without fun is no life at all.
But don't just live your life for others and your work do something for you. Fire a hundred rounds at the range, learn to dance, surf, meditate, garden, play golf, go to a pool hall. Whatever it is remember you don't have to be good you just have to enjoy it.
I know a guy who’s motto is “have fun, make money.” It’s tough to find fun without money and very easy to fall in to the trap of having money but being afraid to have fun. But it can be done.
2 weeks ago
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